“AVL List 公司日”暨AVL List厅命名及仪器捐赠仪式
„AVL Tag“ – Naming Ceremony of AVL List Hall & Donation Ceremony of Test Facility
日期及时间|Date: 5月20日(周日)|Sunday, May 20, 13:30-16:00
地点|Venue: 同济大学嘉定校区新能源汽车工程中心
New Energy Engineering Center, Jiading-Campus
语言|Language: 英语|English
作为世界动力系统发展的领头企业之一,发动机和汽车产业的重要一员,AVL List有限责任公司将面向同济大学广大学子举办公司介绍会。企业高层将深入讲解动力系统工程、可持续发展以及电子移动,并就如何抓住AVL List公司所提供的多样化的就业机会给大家良好建议。AVL List有限责任公司自2003年以来就成为中德六合彩结果今期
One of the leading companies in the development of powertrain systems worldwide and main partner of the engine and automotive industry is presenting itself to the students of Tongji University. Leading managers will give an insight into the fields of powertrain engineering, sustainable development as well as E-mobility and provide information about the different career opportunities at AVL List. AVL List GmbH is a founding company of the chair for Innovative Vehicle Drives at the Sino-German School for Postgraduate Studies (CDHK) since 2003.
13.30-14.10 Lecture given by Prof. Helmut List: "Hybrid Powertrains for Efficient Vehicles"
14.10-14.30 Discussions & Afternoon Tea
14.30-14.45 Welcome Speech by Tongji Vice President Prof. CHEN Xiaolong
14.45-15.00 Speech by Prof. List
15.00-16:00 Naming Ceremony AVL List Hall & Donation Ceremony of Test Facility