新一季的Open University活动即将开幕!
Open University的具体时间:2012年6月21日(周四),16:00 (北京时间)。
OU Programm Elektronik_20120621_Final_Aussendung.pdf
Dear Friends and Partners of ACstyria!
Thursday, 21. June 2012 at 10:00 another Open University takes place at Medienzentrum Steiermark. We’re offering the chance to actively participate in the discussion after highly interesting and informative lectures on ELECTRONICS.
”Recognize trends, give impetus, learn from the best.” Open University does not only follow the latest trends of the automotive industry, it also gives fresh impetus at the highest R&D level and presents the Styrian universities as innovation motors of the region. Masterminds and top executives from science, vocational training and economy give an insight into special disciplines.
The Open University events are transferred via live stream to local and international universities, as for example FH Joanneum or Tongji University Shanghai and of course right into your office!**
Open University aims at linking national and international universities, partners in vocational training, R&D institutions and partners from within the economy to put focus on the latest results from research and development and their implementation potential as well as state of the art technologies and thus provides a sustainable transfer of knowledge.
**Please log on to //www.landespressedienst.steiermark.at/cms/ziel/9023387/DE/ to watch the live stream. To take part in the chat and ask live questions, please insert your name in the box just below the online chat (it usually says “Guest ####” – please delete and replace with your name). Questions can be asked in German or English and will be read to the presenter and audience during the discussion round.