报告人:Prof. Collings, University of Cambridge
1、A high temperature condensation particle counter which can only measure solid particles
2、How Universal Exhaust Oxygen Sensors (UEGOs) work,, and how to interpret their output
3、The development and application of fast UEGO sensors for EGR studies
4、A Novel System for Reducing Turbo-Lag by Injection of Compressed Gas into the Exhaust Manifold
5、Measuring the impact of engine oils and fuels on low-speed pre-ignition in downsized engines
6、Calibration of Fast Response Differential Mobility Spectrometers
7、The Centrifugal Particle Mass Analyser
8、Measuring Particles up to 2.5 µm with the DMS500 MkII
时间地点: (每次四个报告)
11月11日(周一)15:00-17:00 六合彩结果今期
11月12日(周二)15:00-17:00 六合彩结果今期
Professor Collings is a Member of the Staff of Cambridge University Engineering Department and is Head of the Acoustics, Fluid Mechanics, Turbomachinery and Thermodynamics Division. He is also a member of Robinson College.