The World of Turbomachinery

A.J. Wang
‘Thousand Talents Program’ Expert
Chair Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Chief Scientist of Turbofan Technology and Engineering Institute, SJTU
Former Principal Engineer, Aeromechanics, GE Aviation
报告时间:2012年4月24日星期二上午10 : 00
Date: 10: 00am, Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Venue: Conference Room 212
Shanghai Automotive Wind Tunnel Center
联系人: 杨志刚 教授69589240
Contact: Prof. Zhigang Yang 69589240
Everyone is Welcome!
AJ was born and raised in Taiwan. He came to the U.S. in 1976, and graduated from the University of Nebraska with an MS Degree in Engineering in 1978. He earned a Ph.D degree in Engineering from Ohio State University in 1982.
AJ worked at NASA-Lewis Research Center as a research fellow for 18 months, and jointed GE Aircraft Engine Division in 1984. In 1992, AJ lead the design and certification of the 1st generation of 3D aero HP Compressor. After that, AJ took the 3D wide chord fan aeromechanics design leadership role, and has developed and certified all GEAE NPI (New Product Introduction) fans since then.
As a leading expert in aeromechanics, AJ developed the 1st generation of digital macro-aeromechanics monitor/diagnostic system, and introduced it to GE aviation in 2001. This system set a new standard, and has been broadly adopted in the aviation industry. AJ also developed and introduced the concept of “Engine System Aeromechanics”, to synergize aeromechanics with other engine design disciplines. This new concept received significant pay off during the CF34-10, GP7200, GEnx-1B, and Genx-2B development and certification.
AJ was the 1998 GE Brian Rowe Award recipient. In 2002, he was appointed as an adjunct professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati. In 2003, AJ was assigned as the focal point of aeromechanics design to guide the IHI design team for the CF34-10A program. He took the same role to guide the Honda design team for the HF120 program in 2007.