IFP School launches its 1st MOOC on Sustainable Mobility
IFP School - ENSPM, the graduate school for energy and transportation professions, has joined the MOOC movement by launching its first free on-line course on sustainable mobility. This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) will be delivered in English and will be spread over four weeks, from 3 to 30 November 2014.
This MOOC offers traditional course material (video, quiz, discussion forum) and includes a serious game in order to reinforce interactivity.
Participants will address issues such as: engine technology, fuel production and specifications, the formation of pollutants and after-treatment systems, technologies to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, alternative powertrains (hybridization and electrification) and fuels…
If you would like to know more about engine design for tomorrow's vehicles or about environmental and societal issues related to mobility, join this MOOC and register today (free registration) on //mooc.sustainable-mobility.ifp-school.com!